$2K left on to match + new endorsements from farmers!

Over $5,000 raised toward our $7,500 match!Give now to double your gift! Thanks to over 25 donors who have helped us raise over $5,300 towards our $7,500 match to support our Sustainable Farms Campaign! You can help by donating now to help us hit our match. Funds raised go towards supporting our Sustainable Farms staff (meet Noa!), growing our coalition, lobbying in Olympia for the passage of SB 5947, and building broader awareness through events, like an upcoming presentation in Spokane at Forza Coffee at 5 pm on 10/24 and media (like The Washington Wire). Your gift goes directly to a lean, mean campaign for bipartisan legislation that will. cut. carbon. emissions.More farms join our coalition!Since our last newsletter, we have launched a sign-on letter for farms, environmental organizations, and other partners to sign in order to demonstrate the growing support for SB 5947 and climate-friendly farming practices broadly. Almost immediately, 7 farm or farming organizations joined us. We expect many more to join us in the coming months ahead of the next legislative session. You can help by sharing the attached letter with farms, farming and food organizations, environmental groups, and businesses so they can sign on. To officially sign on, please send an email to Noa@carbonwa.org demonstrating an appropriate officer of the organization approves of signing the letter and include a logo.Sustainable Farms Campaign FeaturedIn addition to the sign-on letter, Carbon Washington has placed numerous media pieces in newsletters, blogs, and newspapers over the summer and fall promoting SB 5947 and climate-friendly farming practices. See a couple here from Olympia Works Progress (p. 9) and below from the South Whidbey Tilth newsletter!Volunteers NeededThe CarbonWA advocacy committee is beginning to gear up for 2020 endorsements and election season. We are looking for volunteers to join our "endorsement committee" to evaluate candidates for office and oversee our endorsement process. Members of this committee may interview candidates, design a questionnaire, and provide endorsement recommendations. The expected time commitment is 25 hours between now and November of 2020. In 2018, the endorsement committee released a climate voters guide and directed support towards key districts. If you are interested, email Megan@carbonwa.org - please include your geographic location as well.As always, your donations power our progress — and we spend every penny carefully. Thanks so much for your support.Onward!From the whole Carbon Washington team


Kicking off the 2020 Legislative Session


Match increased + making progress on sustainable farming!