Inside Olympia: HB 1112 needs your help! 

Your Climate Action OpportunityTake 1 Action to make an impact on Earth Day.This Earth Day we have our eye on lesser-known but vitally important HB 1112. This bill would phase out the use of Hydroflurocarbons (HFCs) — a super greenhouse gas used in refrigerants. HFC emissions are thousands of times more potent than CO2 when it comes to trapping heat. When you consider all the energy lost in commercial uses — between air-conditioning on increasingly hot summer days, or at every local grocery store to keep our food cold 24/7 — it's a chilling thought. This bill will have a big impact! HFC's account for 4% of Washington's warming emissions right now.The Senate is considering amendments that weaken the bill, but we need the Senate to uphold the stronger version passed by the House. Your senator needs to know that you support passing the original House version of the bill.Please contact your Senator with this FastAction form!Here's some more commentary on the need + impact of HB 1112 from deadlines for banning hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and some other refrigerants as well as products using them or manufactured with them from entering into state commerce, since the EPA’s regulations for eliminating these under provisions of the Clean Air Act have been suspended by a 2017 Appeals Court decision.... estimates that phasing out the creation and use of new HFCs, following the provisions of the Kigali Accord, would avoid something between 25GT and 78GT of additional global greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.Or if you prefer to email/call your WA Senator directly, here's some sample language:

In HB 1112 we have an opportunity to phase out some of the most dangerous climate-warming pollutants, HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons). I urge the Senate to pass the phase-out schedule in HB 1112, as it was adopted by the House of Representatives on March 1st.

The transition schedule in the House-passed bill established a clear and reasonable timeline for transitioning from outdated HFCs to climate-friendly alternatives and already reflects compromises negotiated and agreed between industry and environmental organizations. Further delays are unnecessary.

Washington has a chance to lead in taking meaningful action on climate change, while simultaneously supporting American innovation and job creation within the United States.

Please pass HB 1112 so we can begin phasing out one of the most dangerous pollutants to our climate.

Thank you for your service.

Please contact your WA State Senator now!And thanks for all your help this session. Carbon WA grassroots support is strong — and our legislature knows it by now!To learn more about HB1112 and the status of other CarbonWA-backed bills, visit our website for the full list of bills Carbon Washington supports this session.To support our advocacy and research, please consider donating here.   


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